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Collège Garden City Collegiate
Oct 05, 2024
No School Today

​Fundraising at GC​

Who can participate? 

ALL GC students. Every participating student has an individual account. 

What can I use fundraising profits for?

Use your fundraising profits to pay for 

* School trips & Activities 

* Athletic fees & Tournaments 

* Grad Wear, Photos & Dinner-Dance Tickets 

* Gopher Hole Merchandise

How do I get involved? 

1. Check out the fundraising bulletin board outside of Rm209W 

    or on the school website. 

2. Choose the campaign(s) you’d like to participate in & pick up the items/order forms from 

      Mrs Lubkey in Rm209W at the posted start date. 


4. Return your orders/ payments to Mrs Lubkey by the campaign’s end date.​

Campaign #1  - Spring 2022

Gourmet Cookie Dough 

Sales Dates:  March 15 to April 6

Orders & Payment Due:  on or before 3:45pm on April 6th - NO LATE ORDERS!!

  • Place cheque(s) payable to Garden City Collegiate &/or exact cash with order in a sealed envelope or Ziploc-type bag and turn in to Mrs Lubkey.  
  • Be sure that your name & grade are clearly written on the outside of the envelop/baggie and the order form
Delivery Date: β€‹last week of April 
​– exact delivery date will be announced & posted on the school fundraising page once our order has been placed 
  • Pick up on that day will be between 2:30-4:00pm

    These items are all perishable products. The school will not have space to house your frozen packages overnight.  PLEASE set a reminder for this pick up time!!​
Want to participate in this fundraiser????
​See Mrs Lubkey in Rm209W to pick up your order form and information or download below and print your own​ 

​Fundraising Campaign 1 Spring 2022.pdf

​2022 Momentum Gourmet Cookie Order Form.pdf​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​