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École Leila
North School
Nov 11, 2024
No School Today
Welcome to the Leila North Library! / Bienvenue à la Bibliothèque du Leila North

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"Everyone is Welcome" - Sign Language Classroom Bulletin Board Posters

​​​​​​​Bonjour à tous / Hello Everyone​

The library is available for students who need a quiet place to read or do their work before and after school.  Also, ​it is open during the lunch break between 12:10 - 12:40​.

Library Hours: 8:30-3:45

École Leila North Community School Libr​ary

Click here​ to access the library catalogue from school.
Click here​ to access the library catalogue from home.

Chromebook/Library schedules:

Chrom​​ecart 1​

Chrom​e​cart 2

Chrom​​ecart 3

Chromecart 4/L​i​​brary​

Seven Oaks Digital Library commons

Criterion on Demand
Access at school only

Google Chrome is recommended for viewing.

CanCore Video Streaming
A core curriculum content platform with 100% Canadian Produced content and has been selected for its strong curriculum fit.
No login required if used from a computer within our schools.
The Seven Oaks School Division is now offering Sora, a digital library with thousands of eBooks and audio books, for learners in K-12.
(On devices, download the Sora app from the Google Play or Apple App stores.)
When signing into the collection, students and staff will use their 7oaks Microsoft credentials. Once signed in, users can add a public library to access even more titles through Sora.

​No login required if used from a computer within our schools.
Destiny Discover

eBooks and audio books.

Student username: firstname.lastname
Student password: your student number

Britannica School
No login required if used from a computer within our schools.

Britannica ImageQuest

Rights-cleared images from one trusted site.
No login required if used from a computer within our schools.​