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1330 Jefferson Ave., Room 234 (Second Floor, Seaford Wing), Winnipeg, MB, R2P 1L3| Phone: 204.632.6641|
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Maples Met School
One student at a time...
Sep 19, 2024
School Day 1
No School Today

What are the Met School's Fundamentals?

Is This a Regular High School Program?

Yes. The Met School is a Manitoba High School Diploma program, just like other high schools. We follow the Manitoba curriculum, students earn credits for approved courses and students need to meet Graduation requirements. All Met School students must pass the required courses and take electives to obtain their Manitoba Diploma.

Is This for Everyone?

The Met School is best for students who are looking to challenge themselves to achieve academically while extending their learning into the community. It is best for students who are curious, independent, and who act on their own initiative. It works well for students who are comfortable doing different projects and assignments from their peers. Students should also be at ease with the increased level of parent involvement, and the accountability and responsibility the program requires. While it may be a good placement for some students who have had difficulty in school, the demands of the program also require that students have the ability to commit to the many aspects and challenges of the program. Like any high school program, students who are successful take advantage of the opportunities presented to them.

What Determines Whether or Not a Student is Successful?

The one thing that all students who find success at the Met have in common is the desire to be here. The Met School comes with a high level of accountability and responsibility. Students should be organized and motivated with a commitment to developing strong projects and internship placements. Students need to be willing to work independently at school, while also being comfortable with the level of independence needed for an Internship Placement, which includes interacting with new people in different environments. Students need to develop appropriate skills to secure placements in internships, such as resume writing and interview skills.

Students need to be comfortable having a different high school experience from many of their friends. Students need to be willing to develop the skills necessary to manage a complex school experience that includes placements in the community along with multiple levels of projects and assignments. It is not easier than a more traditional high school program and students must view the Met School as the opportunity they are looking for. Parents must also embrace this as an opportunity for them to have an active role in the life of their child.