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1330 Jefferson Ave., Room 234 (Second Floor, Seaford Wing), Winnipeg, MB, R2P 1L3| Phone: 204.632.6641|
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Maples Met School
One student at a time...
Sep 07, 2024
No School Today
Enrolment and Class Size

What is the Enrolment and Class Structure?

How big is the Maples Met School?

Our current enrolment is 150 students.

What is an advisory?

An advisory is a class of students and their teacher. There is an average of 15 students per class and each class has one teacher. This students and their advisor (teacher) stay together for their entire high school program. The advisory class is a safe, fun, supportive community where individuals respect one another and appreciate the talents and strengths of each other. Students are expected to be friendly, kind and helpful towards one another as they share in an amazing and unique experience of high school.