Sistema Winnipeg
Sistema Winnipeg is now in its third year at Elwick Community School and continues to grow. With 60 students enrolled in the program this year the group has expanded into two orchestras. Inspired by the El Sistema program in Venezuela, the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra in partnership with the Seven Oaks School Division started the program at Elwick Community School in 2011. Sistema Winnipeg is an intensive, free after-school program aimed to assist children in reaching their full potential and affecting social change through orchestral music training. Students learn how to play string instruments in small and large group settings. They attend general music classes and have choir once a week. Students are also given many opportunities to perform and are exposed to orchestral music by attending WSO concerts.
Sistema 2016
Sistema 2012-2013
Sistema Trailer
Sistema Movie
Sistema Media Links!
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra - CTV - June 30th, 2015
- Changing Kids' Lives One Note at a Time
Winnipeg Free Press Article - March 19, 2013 - Instrument Drive
April 8-21 Drop off instruments at CBC Studio (541 Portage Ave.) or WSO Box Office (555 Main St.) - Sistema Slideshow
Click the above link to view a slideshow of our students in the Sistema Program. - Orchestra Canada