Divisional Plan

Seven Oaks School Division is committed to realizing the ideals of public education to building community, fostering understanding and to helping all students realize their promise and flourish.

2024 - 2025 Divisional Plan
Seven Oaks School Division

Every Student, Every Opportunity, Every Day

Our Mission Statement

The Seven Oaks School Division is a Community of Learners, every one of whom shares the responsibility to assist children in acquiring an education which will enable them to lead fulfilling lives within the world as moral people and contributing members of society. 

This plan was developed by the Seven Oaks School Division Board of Trustees.  It is intended to be a living document, updated and revised as required to meet evolving needs and changing circumstances.

Foster strong teaching and rich learning opportunities to both raise and level the bar for achievement

Outcomes for students marginalized by poverty, race and trauma lag behind outcomes for more advantaged students. Children in Care and Indigenous students can be significantly impacted by these factors. 

We will Continue to Raise the Bar

Support instructional improvement that will raise the bar for student achievement throughout our schools including:

  • Teacher Talk 
  • Early Years Literacy 
  • Math Curriculum Initiatives and Residencies 
  • STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths)
  • Strengthening Post Secondary Pathways
  • French Immersion initiatives that focus on Language and Identity, French Language Continuums
  • Tech Hub

We will Work to Level the Bar

Maintain and expand the capacity of Wayfinders to ensure that all students are on track for high school graduation and post secondary opportunities. 

Initiate a feasibility study for expansion of Wayfinders to Middle Years on a pilot basis.

Implement Universal Nutrition program in all schools to ensure that every child has access to nutritional meals. 

Solidify and expand First Teacher to support our most vulnerable families, to foster stronger school/family relationships and to support the healthy development of preschool children.  

Develop programming to enhance the knowledge and skills of Learning Support teachers.

Maintain and expand Cultural Credit programming that is based on identity, language, land, culture and community.

Continue to offer and develop an after school High School mentorship program (Mino-Pimatisiwin) for Indigenous students that is based on identity, language, land, culture and community, 

Develop and finalize a land based Indigenous Focused High School Option within the next two years.

Develop a partnership with RRC Polytech to support the hosting of STEAM Fest.

No-cost Middle Years Summer programming, summer BEEP experiential learning program for Early Years

Expand Indigenous languages programming.  

Expand school access to Elders and Knowledge Keepers. 

Access Jordan’s Principle funding in partnership with the Southern Chiefs organization. 

Develop and support learning communities that promote positive mental health and well-being, paying special attention to the stressors for children, staff and families  

Access evidence-based positive mental health school-initiated programs (Project 11, self-compassion, mindfulness) with an emphasis on student voice. 

Support school initiatives with a focus on a relationship-based approach to student well being and achievement.

Provide opportunities for staff to critically engage in mental health literacy to enhance understanding and build capacity.  


Build bridges to and between the rich cultural communities in Seven Oaks to foster both pride in identity and greater cross-cultural understanding. 

Build opportunities for schools to engage in the anti-racist work in the division through classroom programming, local school initiatives and divisional working groups. 

Our anti-racism lead will continue to work with schools, teachers, principals and staff across the division to build knowledge and understanding of anti-racist education. 

The division will survey and support the collection, analysis and reporting of diversity data to enhance equitable achievement outcomes. 

The division will continue its work with external education partners to maintain equity and diversity training programs (CATEP, ITEP, Urban Circle, Yellowquill) to advance representation and diversity in staffing.

Introduce and complete Treaty Education for all Seven Oaks Employees. 

Improve the school experiences, outcomes and life prospects of Children in Care

Engage with CFS agencies in efforts to ensure stable school arrangements and to support the school programming that benefits Children in Care. 

Provide opportunities for Children in Care to have access to role models and build pathways to post high school opportunities.

Explore the potential of service enhancement and coordination with the goal of making Seven Oaks a community where no children come into care. 

Capital Planning

Continue construction of a dual track Kindergarten to Grade 8 school for Aurora at North Pointe.

Implement solutions in engineering studies and address drainage issues at West St. Paul School and École Belmont.  In the short-term continue to remedy drainage issues with a vacuum track.  

Commence redesign of bus and parent drop off and parking at West St. Paul School in order to accommodate an onsite daycare and the improvement of Highway 9.

Complete engineering and design to improve the grounds at Amber Trails. 

Begin to implement the next phases at the Aki Centre (adventure features, playscapes, dock, shelter).  


Effectively mobilize and advocate with our Seven Oaks Community to ensure that senior levels of government respond to the needs of our diverse and growing community.

Specific areas for advocacy include:

  • Liaise with the minister of education and Treasury Board regarding authorisation to initiate a K-8 school build in West St Paul.
  • Improvements to Beryl Watts Park.
  • Improvements to the West Kildonan Library.
  • Establishment of a new library facility to serve Maples, Amber Trails and the growing communities of Aurora at Northpoint and Highland Pointe to be located as part of the Maples Collegiate, Maples Community Club and Seven Oaks Pool Complex.
  • Completion of Chief Peguis Trail.
  • Expanded recreational facilities possibly as part of a Highland Pointe school and park campus.
  • Active transportation.
  • Advocate for an end to child poverty.
  • Continuing advocacy with Mayor, councillors and MLA’s.

Program, Policy and Governance

Complete a comprehensive review of governance and policy in order to clarify decision-making processes, streamline and modernize our policy manual and clarify administrative procedures. 

Engage, as a Board, with students by planning “Student Voice Forums” for each high school and their feeder schools.

Implement cell phone administrative procedure to be consistent with provincial policy.

Offer exit interviews to employees whose employment has concluded with Seven Oaks.

Initiate consultation for the development of a divisional climate action plan.

Program Development and Renewal

Offer Punjabi language course at grade 9/10 at Maples Collegiate. 

Reorganize Heritage Language programming to eliminate the need for bussing. 

Review and update policies related to equity. 

Review current bussing model to plan appropriately for the 2025/2026 school year.