About Us

Governor Semple School is a Kindergarten to Grade Five community school, located in the heart of West Kildonan, in the Seven Oaks School Division.  Our school beliefs are:

  • Take care of yourself
  • Take care of each other
  • Take care of this place  

As a staff we work to support the living of these core values. We believe that it takes a community to raise a child and celebrate involvement from parents and volunteers.

In addition to a Kindergarten to Grade Five program we offer birth-age 5 parent-child programs through our Community Co-ordinator Dave. Please call the school for more information.

The children of Governor Semple School are at the heart of all of our activities ...

  • we come together as a community of learners to assist children to acquire an education that will enable them to lead fulfilling lives in the world as moral people and contributing members of society.