About Us
Welcome to École Leila North Community School!
We are a dynamic Middle Years English and French Immersion School offering learning in both grade level and multi-age classroom communities. We have 500 students and 70 Staff members.
Extra Curricular Programming
Middle Years is a great time to “branch out” and to try new things! We provide opportunities for students to become involved in clubs and activities that run throughout the year. Intramurals and Drama/Musical practices often take place during the lunch hour, and there is a broad selection of activities that are organized both before and after school.
Student Services
Classroom and resource teachers work collaboratively, either on a short or long-term basis, to support all children in the school. We also have two guidance counsellors who assist students in all aspects of their learning and also act as the liaison with students, teachers, parents, and agencies outside of the school.
Communication with Families
It is imperative that we have your email address as we send out our important school news through email. If you do not have an email account we will supply your daughter or son with a hard copy to take home. Our online calendar provides updated information regarding all school and class events, and it can be found on our school webpage.