About Us

WELCOME to O.V. Jewitt Community School !

We Are A Kindergarten to Grade 8 School

We have 480 students in 25 classrooms

We offer strong Music, Band, Physical Education, Technology and Applied Arts programs

We provide pre-school and community programs in our Family Centre

We benefit from our Active Parent Council

We believe that learning best takes place in a caring, safe and inclusive environment.

Welcome to all students and parents as we begin another school year. We hope your school year is filled with many interesting learning experiences and the development of new friendships. At O.V. JEWITT COMMUNITY SCHOOL we believe that learning can be achieved best when parents, teachers and children work together harmoniously to promote a meaningful and worthwhile education. All children must be valued for themselves and have their unique individuality recognized and respected. They must be enabled to develop to the best that they can be academically, socially, and physically in a safe and secure environment both at home and school. All must have the opportunity to experience success and to enjoy learning.

At O.V. JEWITT COMMUNITY SCHOOL , we have a dedicated, caring and professional staff, who believe children are important and must receive a quality education. We look forward to teaming with


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