Tech Info
SOPAC is available for everyone to book!
Booking happens between May 1 and May 31 for the following school year only. We do not book past that. 7Oaks schools get first choice before the dates open to the public.
Here is the booking form link: BOOKING FORM
For community users:
We can't take booking requests by phone, email or in person, the online form is the only acceptable method. Please note, filling out the form does NOT gaurantee your date. You will receive an email within a few business days with either a confirmation or in some instances, a date not available.
May, and June are VERY busy months for the theatre, and predominantly only weekends will be available for the public. JULY AND AUGUST ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR RENTALS.
Why your date may not be available:
- Schools have booked it already.
- It's during our school season, but we haven't closed our booking yet. ( May 31, is the final deadline for schools)
- It's a long weekend, or holiday.
- There are multiple community groups wanting the same date, in which case a draw will be made, it is not first come first serve
To find out if a date is available before you book:
See the EVENTS CALENDAR to see what is booked. It is updated EVERY week and acurate until July.
The yearly school update happens in early June. All dates are free for all after that.
Copyright in Live Performances:
There are rules, regulations, and fees for copyright material in live performance situations. SOPAC as a event facilty has been charged with collecting and remitting on behalf of SOCAN and Re:Sound, fees based on specific tarriffs. Your fees will be added to your contract and are not negotiable. School events are covered under the agreement already in place with SOCAN, and do not require additional collection. An average dance recital for an outside of 7Oaks group is $133.11 as an example.
Stage Dimensions:
Traditional Proscenium theatre. All masking is soft. SOPAC dimensions.pdf
Total stage area: 60 feet x 60 feet.
Masked acting area; 34 feet leg to leg and 30 feet deep.
a curved apron 8 feet deep at centre has two sets of stairs down to the first row of the auditorium.
Please note we do not allow food or drinks in the auditorium or on stage at all.
There are three cast rooms, non gender specific, each with a single stall washroom and private change areas. Two of the rooms can be combined in to a large room. Each room has a comfortable capacity of about 30 poeple.
Seating arrangement:
There are 526 fixed upholstered seats in 8" raised levels. There are 29 seats in each row and a total of 21 rows. There are 6 wheelchair spaces in the centre at row 6 with room for companion seating.
Additional accessible seating is available in 6 aisle seats with flip up arm rests. They are not wheelchair accessible, but for someone with limited mobility. They are E22 and E7, 1 step. H7, 4 steps. G22, 2 steps. L22, 6 steps. A7, 5 steps.
Drawing available here: SOPAC SEATING.pdf
Rental costs:
Rental rates for 2025/2026 are subject to change and will be posted at a later date.
Video Specs:
There are 4 projection surfaces. A 30' rear screen for background images, and effects. Two proscenium screens, portrait style. Front, standard presentation screen. All formats of video or images are playable. However, please note Windows Media files do not always play properly. Do not bring PDF or Powerpoint, those are not images. Please bring content on USB. Sizing for the rear screen should be aproximately FHD or 1920x1080 and for the sides 1024x768.
Watchout V.5 Media server
1xEPSON PRO L1405UNL Laser WUXGA 3 LCD projector, front projection presentation screen 20'w x12'h
3x Epson Prolite Z11005 XGA 3 LCD projector, blended REAR image on rear screen 35' wide x 14' high
2x Epson Prolite Z11005 XGA 3 LCD projector, each with REAR side wing screen, 8' wide x 14' high
Audio Specs:
2x Fulcrum Acoustics GX1595 Loudspeaker ( Mains)
4x QSC K10.2 Loudspeaker (Delays)
1x Fulcrum Acoustics Sub218L
4x QSC K10.2 dance monitors, hung overhead on stage left and right
4x QSC K8.2 powered speaker/monitor ( Portable)
Yamaha QL1 32 channel digital mixing console
Denon DN-300Z Media player
Qlab 4.0 for audio playback. Files need to be on USB. Please do not use MP3 format. Assorted XLR cable in 10's, 25's, and 50's. Patch cables, adaptors, DI's etc.
12x tall boom stand, 6 short boom stand
- 4 x Shure 57, 4x Beta 57A
- 10x Shure 58, 6x Beta 58A
- 4x SM137, 2x PAG56
- 2xAT2021, 1x Shure 5 piece drum mic kit
- 2x C1000
- 4x Shure GLXD wireless handheld ( 2 have LAV conversion kit)
- 6 permanently mounted overhead choir mics for ensemble reinforcement.
Lighting Specs:
Fixed grid in 5 foot x 5 foot squares at + 15'-6"
ETC ION 1000 console with submaster wing
2x Elation Platinum Spot III moving lights.
2x Martin ERA300 Profile moving lights.
40x ETC Source 4WRD spot 26 and 36 degree lenses
45x ETC ColorSource PAR
17 x ETC Source Four 750 watt incandescent fixture
A copy of the house hang is available on request. Please note, changes take significant time due to all work being done on ladders, and extra labour and work calls must be allowed for.
Drapery is in fixed positions.
6 sets of legs
1 mid black traveller
1 red main
1 rear blackout.
All drapery is pleated velour and permanantly hung, we do not move drapes, or clip them or tie them back.