Planning a Visit


Ozhaawashkwaa Animikii-Bineshi Aki Onji Kinimaagae' Inun

Blue Thunderbird Land-based Teachings Learning Centre

This space provides teachers and learners with land-based and hands-on learning experiences that enrich the curriculum while meeting our physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Feature Areas

  • Aki Centre, or "Land Centre", our shortened version of our given name. A indoor gathering space with fireplace, washrooms and an equipped learning kitchen
  • Service Centre (Maintenance and Transportation departments) with Conference Rooms and CVE Building Trades classroom3 km of walking trails
  • 3 km of walking trails
  • Tipi and Sweat Lodge
  • Wawiyia'kiti'gahn (Circle Garden), a Medicine Wheel shaped aligned with the four directions. Two quadrants grow sacred medicines, Sage and Sweetgrass, and two grow Indigenous Plants of our Indigenous Grassland. Seven benches with the Seven Sacred Teachings form an inner circle, and the outer circle of 13 boulders represent the 13 moons in our lunar calendar.
  • Fireside gathering areas (3)
  • 67' x 23' Passive Solar Greenhouse
  • Divisional composting with the Novi-Comp
  • Indigenous Plant Gardens
  • Vegetable and Herb Gardens
  • 4-acres of Cover Crop
  • Naturalized Retention Pond
  • Tree Nursery
  • Toboggan Hill
  • 30 acres of Tall Grass Prairie Restoration, in progress
  • Conservation of a 5-acre remnant Tall Grass Prairie

Booking the Aki Centre

Visit the Staff Portal, click on Instruction. > Aki Centre > Booking (left-hand menu), or click Here for a direct link to the booking page.

Here you will view the calendar, select a date, and submit your booking request form.

Please note, attendance at our PD day is a requisite for booking.