Old Accordion

  • View our Learn at Home section for more information and resources.

  • The graduation requirement to complete 40 hours of community involvement is suspended for this school year. Community involvement hours that have been completed will be reported on the final report cards of graduating students.

  • This closure will not impact secondary school graduation.

  • Students will not be penalized for missed work or assessments.

  • Mid-term marks will be entered for Grade 12 students only by April 23, 2020. These marks will be used for submission to the Universities’ Application Centre (UAC) and the College Application Service (CAS). Marks will reflect work submitted on or before March 13, 2020 unless formative assessments (missed and/or additional assignments) completed prior to April 23, 2020 demonstrate further achievement of expectations in which case a student’s mark will be increased accordingly. Marks should represent the most accurate reflection of student work, based on what is reasonable and in the best interest of students during this time. The mid-term mark should be reflective of March 13, 2020 unless they have improved in the interim.

  • Final report cards are required for all secondary students. Following the mid-term, teachers will assign learning tasks, projects and culminating activities for both formative and summative purposes. Teachers will provide feedback and communicate results of these marked assignments to students. Results will be used by teachers to inform students’ final course marks. In keeping with the understanding that marks should represent the most accurate reflection of student work, based on what is reasonable and in the best interest of students during this time.

  • All co-op placements are cancelled during this time.

  • All field trips are cancelled for the remainder of the school year. Exceptions to this direction, include: DSB sites (i.e. environmental centres); off-site requirements for students to achieve SHSM certifications (impacts secondary schools only); and Developmental Programming (e.g. walks to grocery stores or through the neighborhood, etc.).

  • We have not received this direction from the Ministry of Education. The decision to extend the school year would be made by them.

  • All athletic and artistic competitions and practices are cancelled until May 4, 2020.