Career Ready

Learn a Trade - Launch Your Future

The Cooperative Vocational Education Program is an excellent way to explore a career, not just a job. Twelve trades are offered, each one linked to Post Secondary Education, and Nationally and Provincially recognized. You can complete grade 12 and get the first year of your trade certification all in the same year!

Career Ready's unique feature is the extended work placement portion of the program. You actually work in the field in your chosen trade for six to seven months, doing the actual job and making valuable contacts in the industry. You can put "Experience" on your resume!

Registration is OPEN!

Visit our Registration page for details.

For additional information:

  • contact your school's guidance councilor
  • email us at
  • call 204-632-1716

If English is not your first language, and you think you may need support with your Career Ready application or ESL/workplace culture support while you are in any one of the programs, please contact:

Tara McLeod (VELF)
Vocational Employment Language Facilitator
950 Jefferson Ave., 204-632-1716

Please note that for Permanent Residents (PR or newcomer to Canada), Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) of 5+ are required in listening, speaking, reading and writing in order to be considered for any of the CVE programs. If you are a PR, please contact the Winnipeg English Language Assessment Centre (WELARC), 204-943-5387, for a free CLB assessment.

View our Career Ready Brochure by clicking here

Career Ready Video

Program Structure

All Career Ready courses require:

  • Grade 11 compulsory courses must be completed
  • Completion of a Career Ready application form
  • Present a certified transcript of marks (do not submit report card)
  • Cover letter
  • Reference letter and resume
  • participation in an orientation

All the programs are structured as follows:

  • A combination of class and practical on the job training.  Each program has different structure - please consult the individual Career Ready program's brochure for clarification
  • In the Aviation Program, the last five weeks are spent at Stevenson Aviation and James Richardson International Airport
  • For students going into grade 12, the program is free! You can earn up to 10 High School credits toward your graduation, taking grade 12 Math and English in the afternoons
  • Graduates and young adult learners are accepted. There is a nominal fee of $300.00. An interview and transcript is required for all courses
  • Students residing outside Seven Oaks School Division are accepted. There is a nominal fee.  An interview and transcript is required for all courses
  • Everyone is welcome in all programs

ProgramVideoDurationPotential CredentialsRequirements
Automotive Trades & Technologyvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
Apprenticeship Accredited Level 1 availableAge cap of 25 years of age
Aviation Trades & Technologyvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
Apprenticeship Accredited Level 1 available
WHMIS training
Recommend Math (applied or pre-cal) & English 30S and/or 40S (min. mark 70%)
Age cap of 25 years of age
Building Tradesvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
First Aid & CPR Certification
Harness training and fall protection
WHMIS training

Culinary Servicesvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
Food Handler Certificate (culinary)
Smart Choices (hospitality)
Manitoba Best (both)
Emerit Certification (both)
WHMIS training (both)
Age cap of 25 years of age
Early Childhood Educationvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
First term of the Red River College Early Childhood Education program
WEVAS certificate
First Aid & CPR Certification
CCA classification
WHMIS training
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention training
Current Child Abuse Registry and Criminal Background Check
Electrical Trades & Technologyvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
Level 1 Apprenticeship equivalent for students achieving a final grade of 70% or greater (includes 900 hours towards required hours for Level 1)
First Aid & CPR Certification
WHMIS training
Possibility for membership in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Recommend Math (applied or pre-cal) - min. mark 70%
Age cap of 21 years of age
Health Care Aidevideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
Red River College Health Care Aide Certificate
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Certificate
Heart and Stroke Foundation Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Certificate
PIECES (dementia care)
WHMIS training
Completion of physical examination and up-to-date immunization records
Current Child Abuse Registry and Adult Abuse Registry and Criminal Record Check including vulnerable sector search
Age cap of 25 years of age
Heavy Constructionvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
TBAGrade 11 compulsories must be completed
Hospitality Servicesvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
Smart Choices
Manitoba Best
Emerit Certification
WHMIS training
Grade 11 Math and English
Grade 12 prerequisites
Age cap of 25 years of age
Performing Arts Production & Industryvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
Technical sound, lighting, front and back of house production
First Aid & CPR Certification
WHMIS Training

Plumbing & Pipe Tradesvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
Apprenticeship Accredited Level 1 available
WHMIS training
Harness training and fall protection
Grade 11 compulsories must be completed (special exceptions can be made)
Refrigeration & Air Conditioningvideo.48ce134561.jpg1 year
(10 months of study)
Manitoba Ozone Protection Industry Association Certification
First Aid & CPR Certification
Harness and fall training
Scissor lift training
WHMIS training
Job site hazard training
Recommend Math (physics and/or applied or pre-cal) & English 30S and/or 40S (min. mark 70%)