Attendance Policy
At school, like work we expect attendance and punctuality. Absences must be explained. Absences involving sanctioned school activities (class field trips, athletic competitions, production, and religious holidays) are excused. Illness must be verified by a note or phone call from a parent. Teachers will then be notified. The onus is on the family to communicate with the school. Attendance letters will be sent regularly beginning with three absences in a class.
If attendance does not improve, a credit suspension letter will be sent. In this letter the conditions for continuing in this course will be identified.
Students who do not meet the conditions and continue to be absent will be withdrawn by the administration.
Parents are encouraged to communicate with the school should these letters be sent to them.
Leave of Absence
There are times, when due to family situations, a student may be required to be absent from school for an extended period of time. In this situation, the parent/guardian is encouraged to notify the school as much in advance as possible. There is a leave of absence application indicating commitment by the student to meet all course requirements.
Such absences are not encouraged and interfere with a student's progress. It is the student's responsibility to make up the work missed.