

Welcome to ÉSOMS school library website.  

This site is intended to assist its users in gaining access to the vast amounts of information that is available to today’s student. If you need any help finding resources for your project or just something to read, please contact your librarian.

Your Librarian

Mrs. Krysta Staub (
Phone: (204) 586-0327 ext. 37020

Library Resources and Digital Books

  • Library Catalogue
    Here you will find all of the books available to you in the ÉSOMS library.
  • Winnipeg Public Library
  • Winnipeg Free Press - Please email your librarians for the login information.
  • Destiny Discover
    Access to eBooks and Audiobooks. All staff and students in the division have login privileges. firstname.lastname and your employee or student # (no preceding zeros). Please notify the librarian if you are unable to login.
  • Destiny Discover App
    Visit the above link to borrow and download items. Choose Seven Oaks SD as your school when first initializing the app.
  • Tumble Books
    Contains over 1000 titles with content most appropriate for those in grades K-6. It includes animated talking picture books, chapter books, videos, non-fiction titles, playlists, books in languages other than English such as French, Spanish, Chinese, German and Russian, graphic novels and math stories.
  • Teen Book Cloud
    An online database of eBooks and educator resources perfect for middle and high school offering a robust selection of Graphic Novels, Enhanced Novels, eBooks, classic literature, National Geographic videos, educator resources, and audiobooks.
  • Project Gutenberg
    Project Gutenberg offers over 46,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.

Links to Educational Resources

All login information can be found on the BZERC Portal page, or you can email your librarians and they can send the information to you.

Video and Movie Resources

  • Criterion
    Streaming feature films and documentaries. 

French Resources

  • Universalis Junior French Online Reference Centre
    Access to more than 4,00 articles in French covering all subjects. Includes "read aloud" technology and vocabulary help from the Merriam-Webster’s French–English Dictionary.
  • Télé-Québec
    La Société a pour objet d'exploiter une entreprise de télédiffusion éducative et culturelle afin d'assurer, par tout mode de diffusion, l'accessibilité de ses produits au public.
  • Carrefour Éducation
    La mission de Carrefour éducation est de fournir aux enseignants de l'éducation préscolaire et de l'enseignement primaire et secondaire l'accès rapide, efficace et gratuit à des ressources pertinentes et validées pour faciliter et enrichir le développement des compétences des élèves.
  • Idello
    Set up your own login/password on the Idéllo site for access to thousands of videos, apps, games, teaching guides and other French educational content. Available to teachers in Manitoba and Ontario.

COVID-19 Resources

Copyright Resources

Library Links