New Student Registration

For new students to the 7 Oaks School Division, please see the "Divisional Links" area on this page for online registration.

If you are unsure of your home school you can contact the Board Office at 204-586-8061 or check the boundary map for a school near you.

On Line Registration for the 2025-2026 school year OPENS FEBRUARY 24, 2025 at 9:00am!

The following required documents are needed in order to complete your child's registration. These documents can be attached near the bottom of the registration form, or you can make arrangements with the school to provide the proof required:

  • Two piece of ID that verify the student's address (eg. current hydro, water, Shaw, MTC, property tax statement)
  • A single proof of identification (eg. birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate)
  • A copy of your last report card or school transcript (if applicable)
  • A Child in Care of CFS form (if applicable)
  • A School Request Form or Out-of-Division form (if applicable)

You must register your child at the catchment school. If you are unsure of your catchment school you can contact the Board Office at 204-586-8061 or check the boundary map for a school near you. If you choose to register for a different school than your catchment school, a School of Choice form will need to be completed.

Divisional Links