

We study music as an art form with the goal of enhancing our quality of life. An understanding of music gives us insight into the nature of art, of beauty, of emotion, and of the human condition as a whole. Through music students can connect to a deeper part of themselves.


  • All you need to be in choir is the desire to sing!
  • The collaborative nature of a choir leads to meeting new people, making friends and building a community.
  • It’s a safe environment for students to take risks and express themselves.
  • Through music, we will travel around the world and through time, experiencing the songs of different peoples.

Throughout a student’s time in choir, the objective is to develop strong vocal and choral skills through the performance of choral music. Students will be exposed to high quality music from different eras, languages and cultures and will strive to sing with expression, communicating to the audience with meaning.

During the school year, our choirs will perform at ChoralFest and school concerts. Other performance opportunities often arise, such as feature performances with the Manitoba Choral Association, singing for our feeder schools, and caroling at the GC mall. If you want to know more about what we’ve been up to this year, feel free to check out instagram @gardencitysings

At Garden City, we offer the following courses in the regular class schedule:

  • CHOIR 10S – CHO10S
  • CHOIR 20S - CHO20S
  • CHOIR 30S - CHO30S
  • CHOIR 40S - CHO40S

We also have auditioned ensembles that usually rehearse at lunch:

  • CHAMBER CHOIR 20S, 30S, 40S – CHC20S/30S/40S
  • VOCAL JAZZ 10S, 20S, 30S, 40S – VJZ20S/30S/40S