Education for Sustainable Development
Classroom Focus
Education for sustainable development (ESD)is considered important and is growing as a priority in our division, school and classrooms. It makes sense that we understand more about how to be good citizens and caretakers of our school, our community and our planet. Teachers and students explore issues related to the environment, culture, economics, social justice and health/well-being in many of their classes as these areas are embedded in curriculum. Students extend their learning by doing research on the internet, participating in field trips and contributing to school wide projects that help out.
7 Oaks School Division Unite to Change Conferences and Summits
Representatives from our school were part of the beginnings of our 7 Oaks Unite to Change conferences. Working together with school leaders and trustees, a group of students from a variety of grades helped to grow the idea of gathering representatives from around the division to celebrate efforts and plant seeds for further change in our schools and their surrounding communities. Local groups will gather in summit meetings in the Maples, Garden City and W. Kildonan areas. Want to get involved or learn more about upcoming Unite to Change events, contact .