Student Services
Collaboration is a key word in the model adopted by the Student Services Team. The staff attempts to provide services that reflect the needs of the students, the staff, the parents and the community. The Student Services team encompasses the traditional fields of resource, guidance, library technology, computer technology, special needs, and administration.
The Guidance department participates in individual and small group intervention in issues such as career choices, alcohol and drug abuse, and family life programming. Programs focusing on issues such as conflict mediation, bullying, harassment and decision-making practices to enhance the school climate are continually on going.
Learning Support is intended to assist students, teachers, and parents in accommodating for the individual learning needs of students. The Support team collaborates with classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, peer tutors, parent volunteers, parents, and administration to create environments where all students can learn. Avery provides individual or small group tutorials to students who demonstrate significant reading, comprehension, and computational skill delays. This instruction will be given by classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, and peer tutors, as well as Student Services staff, to attempt to bridge the gap between expected curriculum outcomes and achievement.
Additional external supports are provided to the school from the Division. These include a psychologist, social worker, and speech and language pathologist. The CGC meets with the school student services team on a regular basis to share information and help plan for students. The school or parents can access Child Guidance Clinic team members through the school student services team.