Dear Parents:
Welcome to James Nisbet Community School Library!
Your child will soon begin to check out books from the school library. Your child will be coming to the library once every school cycle.
When your child brings books home, spend time reading together. If your child can read, listen to him or her read the book and help with words they may not know. We want your child to love reading so please make the time you share books together fun!
Please encourage your child to return his or her book each library class. You can check your child's library schedule on the school library page.
Sometimes accidents happen. If a library book is lost or damaged while checked out to your child the book must be replaced. The book can be paid for by cheque or cash (correct change is appreciated) for the original retail price. Once the book is paid for, your child's account will be cleared and he or she may resume library checkout.
You can help your child by:
- Finding a safe place for library books away from little brothers/sisters and family pets.
- Encourage your child to read for enjoyment and to notice/discuss the illustrations with you.
- Read and re-read the book and discuss favourite characters and important parts of the story.
When is the library open?
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
About our library:
Located in the heart of the school, our library houses a large collection of materials in both English and multi-language. Classes are scheduled for a library visit once per cycle giving students the opportunity to attend story time and then check books out to take home (see schedule below).
Library schedule:
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
Contact us:
- 204-633-8870 ext. 45020
Library catalogue (home).
How to video on how to search catalogue
Library catalogue (school).
Seven Oaks Digital Library commons
Criterion on Demand
- Access at school only
- Google Chrome is recommended for viewing.
CanCore Video Streaming
- A core curriculum content platform with 100% Canadian Produced content and has been selected for its strong curriculum fit.
- No login required if used from a computer within our schools.
- The Seven Oaks School Division is now offering Sora, a digital library with thousands of eBooks and audio books, for learners in K-12.
- (On devices, download the Sora app from the Google Play or Apple App stores.)
- When signing into the collection, students and staff will use their 7oaks Microsoft credentials. Once signed in, users can add a public library to access even more titles through Sora.
- No login required if used from a computer within our schools.
Destiny Discover
- eBooks and audio books.
- Student username: firstname.lastname
Student password: your student number
- Student username: firstname.lastname
Britannica School
- No login required if used from a computer within our schools.
Britannica ImageQuest
- Rights-cleared images from one trusted site.
- No login required if used from a computer within our schools.