Tenders & RFPs

Tenders & Request for Proposals

The Seven Oaks School Division participates in the Metro School Division Purchasing Committee established to unite many of the urban school divisions within Winnipeg. The committee coordinates common purchasing requirements with each school division being responsible for the tendering, analysis and recommendation of select areas of purchasing.

The Seven Oaks School Division, as part of the MASH Sector (Municipal, Academic, School Boards, and Hospitals), respects the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT).  Call for tenders for goods and/or services exceeding $100,000 are posted electronically on MERX (  

The Seven Oaks School Division participates in the following metro tenders:

Art & Stationery Paper
River East Transcona
Art Supplies
Louis Riel School Division
Binding Combs
Winnipeg School Division
Winnipeg School Division
Winnipeg School Division
Lamp & Ballasts
Louis Riel School Division
Photocopy Paper
St. James-Assiniboia School Division
Printer Cartridges
Winnipeg School Division
Physical Education Equipment
Pembina Trails
School Office Supplies
Louis Riel School Division
Tape Tender
River East Transcona