Early Years Learning

Early Years generally refers to students enrolled in Kindergarten to Grade 5. Seven Oaks School Division offers Early Years in English, French Immersion, Ojibwe Bilingual, Ukrainian Bilingual, Punjabi Bilingual, and Filipino Bilingual programs. For more information, please visit the Language Programs sites.

Seven Oaks School Division Early Years schools believe that every child is a unique individual and that all children can learn. Children are encouraged to learn and grow by providing a foundation of intentional teaching experiences and learning opportunities where all children can feel successful in a safe and nurturing educational environment. Classrooms are inclusive settings that recognize and honour children's varied abilities, interests, needs, and learning styles. Early Years educators understand the importance of integrating meaningful play experiences within their school and classroom communities. Early Years classrooms reflect the support of various dimensions of development of students - the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, language, independent and interdependent. Early Years teachers support curiosity, discovery and problem solving which encourages the individual growth of students and development of a positive self-image. Early Years schools also recognize that parents are the child's first teachers. Thus, schools understand that students learn best when parents, families and the community are interested and involved in their education and partner together.