Teacher Information
Teacher Workshops
As part of the FILM for Human Rights Student Film Festival, the Festival will provide teachers in the 7 Oaks School Division with filmmaking-in-the-classroom workshops. These workshops will cover the basics of classroom film production from storyboarding to filming to digital editing techniques. These workshops will be conducted by experienced film educators and will take place at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights and at Maples Collegiate. These workshops will be supported by 7 Oaks School Division as professional development days. Camera and editing technology will be coordinated by Saul Henteleff and will be used for these workshops.
Location: Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Dates: February 7 and 8, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
**Space is limited to 10 teachers.
Planning to Attend?
If you are planning to attend the student film screenings, please contact Saul Henteleff at saul.henteleff@7oaks.org or 204.632.6641 ext. 63435 at your earliest convenience since seating is limited.
Film Festival Inquiries:
For more information please contact Saul Henteleff at 204.632.6641 ext. 63435 or saul.henteleff@7oaks.org.