Grad Pow Wow History


The 2023-2024 school year marked the 15th year of the SOSD Annual Graduation Pow Wow. Graduates from our six divisional high schools, two adult learning centres, and the CATEP program were honoured by staff, students, friends, and family at the event, hosted by Maples Collegiate. Dancers and drum groups from around the province joined in the celebration, were led by Elders, Dignitaries, emcee Co-Co Ray Stevenson, and host drum Walking Wolf.


Held at the Maples Collegiate Field, our 2022-2023 Graduates were honoured by our schools, families, and community at the SOSD Annual Graduation Pow Wow. Each year, the event continues to grow, as do the number of graduates who join us in celebrating their successes and hard work. Kitchi miigwech to emcee Co-Co Ray Stevenson and host drum Walking Wolf for being a part of our celebrations once again!


We were back together after a 2 year hiatus.  We gathered May 26th outdoors at the Maples Collegiate Field.  As is tradition the Pipe Ceremony began at 3:00 with Registration at 4:00. A Community Feast took place from 4:30-5:30 with the Grand Entry at 5:30. Our Master of Ceremonies was Co-Co Ray Stevenson and our Host Drum was Walking Wolf.  This event continues to grow and again we estimated well over 1000 participated at this year's event! Click here to view some of the pictures.


Due to COVID-19 and the restrictions placed by the Government of Manitoba the 2021 Grad Pow Wow was held virtually.  Click here to view the presentation.


Due to COVID-19 and the restrictions placed by the Government of Manitoba the 2020 Grad Pow Wow was held virtually on Friday June 19, 2020 from 6:00-7:00.  Click here to view the presentation.  As is tradition the Pipe Ceremony began at 3:00 with Registration at 4:00. A Community Feast took place from 4:30-5:30 with the Grand Entry at 5:30. Our Master of Ceremonies was Co-Co Ray Stevenson and our Host Drum was Walking Wolf.  This event continues to grow and again we estimated well over 1000 participated at this year's event!


Thursday June 6, 2019 we held the Graduation Pow Wow in the Winnipeg Soccer Federation North. As is tradition the Pipe Ceremony began at 3:00 with Registration at 4:00. A Community Feast took place from 4:30-5:30 with the Grand Entry at 6:00. Our Master of Ceremonies was Co-Co Ray Stevenson.  This event continues to grow and again we estimated well over 1000 participated at this year's event!  Click here to view some of the pictures.


On Thursday June 7, 2018 we held the Graduation Pow Wow in the Winnipeg Soccer Federation North. As is tradition the Pipe Ceremony began at 3:00 with Registration at 4:00. A Community Feast took place from 4:30-5:30 with the Grand Entry at 5:45. Our Master of Ceremonies was Co-Co Ray Stevenson.  We estimate over 1000 participated at this year's event!  Click here to view some of the pictures.


The tradition continues and on Thursday June 8, 2017 we held the Graduation Pow Wow in the Winnipeg Soccer Federation North. As it was Canada's 150th birthday we combined the largest Graduation Pow Wow to date with a Canada 150 Celebration that featured Sierra Noble with the Iva Flett Memorial Dancers, The C-Weed Band and Indian City and a fireworks display. The Pipe Ceremony began at 3:00 with Registration at 4:00. A Community Feast took place from 5:00-6:15 with the Grand Entry at 6:30. Our Master of Ceremonies was Co-Co Ray Stevenson.  The Canada 150 Celebration followed at 9:00 and was hosted by Wab Kinew and Rebecca Chartrand.  We estimate over 1000 participated at this year's event!  Click here to view some of the picutres.


On Thursday June 2, 2016 Maples Collegiate hosted the 7th and LARGEST annual Pow Wow to date. The Pipe Ceremony began at 3:00 with Registration at 4:00. A Community Feast took place from 4:30-5:30 with the Grand Entry at 5:45. Our Master of Ceremonies was Co-Co Ray Stevenson. At this year's Pow Wow we invited over 14 schools and 400 students into the Pow Wow circle. Click here to view some of the pictures.


On Thursday June 4, 2015 West Kildonan Collegiate hosted the 6th annual Pow Wow. The Pipe Ceremony began at 3:00 with Registration at 4:00. A Community Feast took place from 4:30-5:30 with the Grand Entry at 5:45. Our Master of Ceremonies was Co-Co Ray Stevenson and the Arena Director was Ian Hotomani. The Host Drum was Walking Horse.  Click here to view some of the pictures.


On Thursday June 5, 2014 West Kildonan Collegiate hosted the 5th annual Pow Wow.  The Pipe Ceremony began at 3:00 with Registration at 4:00.  A Community Feast took place from 4:30-5:30 with the Grand Entry at 5:45.  Our Master of Ceremonies was Co-Co Ray Stevenson and the Arena Director was Ian Hotomani.  The Host Drum was Walking Horse.  Click here to view some of the pictures.


On Thursday June 6, 2013 Seven Oaks honoured their graduates at Garden City.  Registration began at 4:00 followed by a Community Feast from 4:30-5:30 with the Grand Entry at 5:45 p.m.  All Nations, Dancers, Singers, Spectators, and Arts and Craft Vendors were all welcome to attend.  Click here to view some of the pictures.


On Thursday June 7, 2012 Garden City hosted the Divisional Grad Pow Wow.  Registration began at 4:00 followed by a Community Feast from 4:30-5:30 with the Grand Entry at 5:45 p.m. This event's Master of Ceremonies was Co-Co Ray Stevenson with the Arena Director being Melvin Starr and the Host Drum Whitehorse.  All Nations, Dancers, Singers, Spectators, and Arts and Craft Vendors were all welcome to attend.


On Thursday June 9, 2011 Maples Collegiate hosted the Grad Pow Wow from 4:00-8:00 p.m.  This divisional pow-wow celebrated our grade 12, adult education, CATEP and grade 8 graduates. This annual event keeps growing and is seeing a lot of success. There were the most people registered as graduates and dancers this year and the turn out was fantastic.


On Tuesday, May 25, 2010, Seven Oaks School Division hosted its divisional pow-wow with the theme of honouring our graduates. The pow-wow was held inside of Maples Collegiate with the Red Sons & First Nation drum groups. This Pow-wow honoured not only our upcoming grade 12 grads and adult graduates but also grade eight students who would be graduating into their chosen high schools.