Lorie Thompson

Lorie is a grandmother to 23 grandchildren and has 5 adult children. She is from Minegozibe lorie-thompson.0e1bc96264.jpegAnishinabe (Pine Creek). To Lorie, the Land, Water and Family is the foundation of nurturing, love and support for pursuing a good life. She was raised with a door that opened up directly at the bush and river water pantry where her late mother, late father and 14 siblings who sustained themselves from for over 70 years. Lorie's family lived off the land and its seasonal rounds that consisted of the spring fish run, seneca root digging, berry harvesting, rabbit, deer, moose, and duck harvesting. Gardening was used to sustain her large family as well. The teaching always was and still is, take only what you need and ensure you use it.

Lorie has obtained education (BA & LLB) that led to becoming a Juris Doctor (lawyer) who practiced in this area for over 10 years. However, healing and well-being has been a long time focus for Lorie who has learned through sacred circles. Lorie has also received trauma and healing informed training:

  1. Seven Sacred Ways of Healing;
  2. Compassionate Inquiry training with Dr. Gabor Mate; and
  3. Series of trauma-informed workshops.

Lorie has also developed and facilitates workshops regarding:

  1. Impact of Law on First Nations Women & historical impacts of colonization;
  2. Kindness;
  3. Land Therapy;
  4. Grandmother Roles and Reclamation; and
  5. Youth Mentoring.   

Lorie's role is now primarily carried out through her grandmotherhood passing on her knowledge, sharing and caring so that other can use what tools she passes on in a good way for their mino-bimaadiziiwin (good life journey).