Plumbing & Pipe Trades

DurationWork PracticumPotential Credentials
1 year (10 months of study)Two months during each semesterApprenticeship Accredited Level 1 available
WHMIS training
Harness training and fall protection

Plumbing & Pipe Trades introduces you to a variety of career opportunities in the plumbing and pipe trades whether your interest is plumbing, pipe or gas fitting, pipeline work, sprinkler installation or HVAC

As with all Seven Oaks Career Ready programs, we provide technical training through in-class theory and work experience so you can learn by doing and through on-the-job training.


  • Completion of Grade 11 core courses (done in semester one of Grade 11 year)
  • Interest in working in the pipe trades
  • Participation in an interview
  • Completion of a Career Ready application
  • Presentation of a certified transcript of marks (do not submit report card)

Individuals who have completed Grade 12 are an adult learner or reside outside the division are encouraged to submit an application.

The 40 week course is a combination of in-class theory and on-the-job training and can be broken down as follows:

  • Weeks 1-8: In-class theory
  • Weeks 9-40: 1 day/week in class, 4 days/week on-site

Upon completion of this program you will earn a 8 high school credits as well as the possibility of Level One plumbing accreditation with Apprenticeship Manitoba.  In addition you will become certified in CPR and various safety training programs.

** A registration fee may apply. **

Contact Us

Call Seven Oaks Adult Learning Centre at 204-632-1716 for further information.


Note: This course will be taught in partnership with the Piping Industry Technical College of Manitoba at 20 Dunlop Ave.
