Parent Connect
In a world of online banking, shopping and accessing information of all kinds, schools are no different. West Kildonan Collegiate, along with many other schools in Seven Oaks School Division uses a paperless system called Parent Connect where all the traditional information provided from the school is found on line.
Parent Connect will allow families to:
- Review attendance (real time to current day)
- View report card marks and comments
- Schedule Parent/Teacher Conference times
- View demographics (guardian and emergency contact information, email address)
- View your child’s current bus route
- Send messages to teachers
- Pay school fees online and view account status
It is more important than ever, that families have a working email provided to the school that they check regularly. Most memos and communication from West Kildonan Collegiate will come in the form of an email to families instead of paper memos.
We do understand that some families do not have computer access. Students are able to access their information online using Student Connect and a school computer.
We hope that this Parent Connect Resource Guide will be of help to you.
Access to Parent Connect:
- Go to
- Click on Parent Connect
- First time users: type in email address and click on "Retrieve Initial Password". You will receive an email to set a password of your choosing.
- Returning users: type in email address, password and click on "Get Student" (if you have more than one student attending a Seven Oaks School Division school, click on "Select a Student" and pick the student you would like to view.
- To link children that attend different schools within the division: Follow the "Retrieve Initial Password" process as described above. You will be able to keep your existing password and can link a new student such students starting kindergarten and students whose older sibling has graduated to grade 6.
- Web forms are available online (Emergency Procedure, Field Trip, Publication Authorization and Information Technology).
To make changes to demographic information (i.e. email address, work information, phone numbers, home address and home phone number), please contact the school office at 204-339-6959. At the start of each school year, Student Info Sheets will be shared with parents at Orientation. This is an opportunity to update important contact information details.
Parent Connect Reference Guide