Margaret Park School 385 Cork Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R2V 1R6 View Map Get in touch with us School Contacts Principal Yolanda Czerwonka
LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Seven Oaks School Division acknowledges that we are on the ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg, Ininew, Anishininew, Dakota Oyate, Dene and the birthplace and homelands of the Red River Metis Nation. We are committed to working collaboratively with Indigenous Nations to foster relationships that heal and build respect.
Water is the fundamental element of life, and our access to water comes from Treaty 3, Shoal Lake 40 First Nation. We express our deep gratitude for this vital gift, which sustains life in our schools and in our daily lives.
In the words of the late, Honourable Murray Sinclair, Mazina Giizhik-iban, “Education got us into this mess and education will get us out of it.” This is the work of our Seven Oaks School Division community.
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