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Maples Collegiate
Career Start Courses at Maples Collegiate

The Program

    • Provide opportunities for Senior 3 and 4 students to gain valuable work experience in employment areas of their choice

Program  Details

    • Small classroom size to ensure optimal learning opportunities
    • 10 week supervised experience ( 2 hours per day ) combined with classroom assignments to complement student work experiences
    • Students are scheduled for one afternoon during the semester
    • Students receive 2 credits after the successful completion of the course

Benefits To The Student

    • Learn to make informed decisions about career choices
    • Explore and develop an understanding of self-concept, values, strengths and aptitudes
    • Practice employability skills needed to function effectively in the workforce
    • Demonstrate competencies that may not be explored in a classroom situation
    • Become committed to life long learning
    • Develop networking for future employment prospects
    • Prepare students to make future choices

Benefits To The  Employers

    • Students will take new ideas, energy, modern training, and enthusiasm into the workplace

Benefit to the Community

    • Students are the future of the economy. Training them creates a labour pool of skilled workers for tomorrow
    • Work opportunities expose the students to career options and awareness of opportunities in a variety of industries