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Maples Collegiate
Sep 07, 2024
No School Today
Social Justice and Stewardship Fair

Social Justice and Stewardship Fair

Social Justice and Stewardship Fair (very much like a science fair) raise awareness of social justice and provide us with solutions on how to challenge the problems. It gives voice to students concerns and outrage. We chose the name Social Justice and Stewardship Fair because it represents and outlook of the concerns of human justice and the ethical treatment of our planet. In other words Social Justice is fighting for the causes that include entire racism, entire discrimination and pro human rights while stewardship fights for causes like reducing our carbon footprints and being more environmental friendly and taking care of our natural habitat.

Guest Speaker at the April 15th Social Justice Fair

Derryl Reid

He is the founder of the Green Bean Coffee Imports. His main mission is to support Fair Trade, achieve sustainability while being socially, environmentally and ethically responsible; be more than a "just-for-profit" entity. Green Bean Coffee Imports becomes Manitoba's First Certified Organic coffee Roaster. He advised the students to maintain their passion in social justice and believe in what we do.

Judges at the 2nd annual Social Justice Fair

Kirk Baldwin

He is Divisional principal of Seven Oaks School Division who has played numerous roles in helping to make our Maples community what it is today. He started his career as an educator, and for 27 years has always felt that young people have a lot to say about how things are going in their world. It was his job to help young people develop their voice and to learn as much as they can about the strengths and challenges that exist in the world. He taught math and science for a number of years before becoming principal of St. Boniface Diocesan High School and then became the vice principal at Maples Collegiate. From 2005 to 2011 he was the principal of Maples Collegiate and is currently divisional principal of Seven Oaks School Division.

Gwen Birse

She is one of the administrators at Maples Collegiate. She started teaching at Ken Seaford junior high school 30 years ago. She taught maths and science. She was also a professor of education courses at the University of Manitoba. She worked as a vice principal at Seven Oaks Middle school and Elwick. For 1 year she was the vice principal at Maples Collegiate and is currently the principal of Maples Collegiate. She is passionate about human rights, and community development, as well as teen initiation in our community.

Johsa Manzanilla

Johsa is an active member of Amnesty International group 19 in Winnipeg. She attended the Human Rights College and Annual General Meeting organized by Amnesty International, Canada in Montreal in 2011.

Jessica Allard

She is an Environmental Studies student at University of Winnipeg who volunteered to judge at our fair.

Jason Allard

Jason Allard is a teacher at Maples Collegiate and also the coordinator of Maples Amnesty Group. He started teaching in this school 6 years ago.

Barbara Johnson

Barbara Johnson is a human rights activist. She started working in Maples Collegiate library 9 years ago and is an advisor to the Maples Amnesty group.

Christopher Clacio

Christopher is a student at University of Winnipeg and is an alumni member of Maples Amnesty Group.

Amy Johnson

Amy Johnson started teaching in Maples Collegiate 5 years ago. She runs Rec and Read program in our school.

Kate Nizio

Kate was a student teacher at Maples Collegiate and also Maples Amnesty advisor.

 Michelle Janzic

Michelle Janzic is an ex student of maples. She is a learning support teacher and she is part of grad committee and gay straight alliance group. She started her career at maples as a teacher in 2001.

The time commitment and motivational words of wisdom, they have provided for our Social Justice and Stewardship Fair is greatly appreciated, and will always be remembered.