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Seven Oaks School Division
Community Begins Here
Sep 07, 2024
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Ric's Page

November 1, 2010 to April 14, 2014

Seven Oaks School Division mourns the loss of Trustee Ric Dela Cruz.  Please read his biography and vision below.

“Education is the key to harmony and understanding. A well-educated, well-informed citizen will make better decisions and take others into consideration.”

Ric Dela Cruz has an unfaltering passion for education and community.

Ric realized this passion when he began exploring educational services and supports for a daughter with special needs. Others took note of his ideas and enthusiasm and encouraged him to run for Trustee – a post he has held for four terms over the last two decades.

Ric has also sat on a number of Boards of Directors and Trustees, including Com-Span Incorporated’s Adult Day Program for Special Needs, the International Centre of Winnipeg,Seven Oaks General Hospital and Wellness Institute and coordinated the Folklorama Philippine Pavilion.

He and his wife raised three children in the Seven Oaks area and he’s proud to see his grandchildren growing up in the Division.

Ric is also known for his involvement in politics and provincial affairs, in particular, his time spent on the Crown Corporation Council/Oversight Provincial Government Board. This affords him a unique perspective, as all Manitoba Crown Corporations were required to report to the Board to ensure all funds were being properly managed and with the public interest in mind at all times.

His understanding of the political landscape is invaluable as the Division examines fresh issues like the challenges arising from enrolment increases. In his role as a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant and member of Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council,  Ric has seen firsthand the rise in the number of families new to Manitoba – including families with school-aged children.

A first-generation Canadian himself, Ric believes that education is vital to strong communities and to empowering citizens. He wants to be certain all the resources and support – from technology to teachers to the schools themselves – are available so that every child in the Division has the opportunity to receive the best possible education.