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Seven Oaks School Division
Community Begins Here

May 10, 2024

Dear Seven Oaks School Division Community,

As stewards of education within the Seven Oaks School Division, we feel responsible to address instances of public commentary that compromise the safe, equitable and caring environments we strive to uphold within our schools.

In recent months, we have increasingly witnessed rhetoric and actions that undermine the principles of safe, equitable and caring schools. We want to reaffirm that public schools are institutions for all children, and every child has an unequivocal right to public education, regardless of their differing identities or needs. At the core of our mission is the belief that every child deserves to feel a sense of belonging within our schools, and any form of hateful rhetoric or discriminatory behaviour threatens this fundamental right.

We acknowledge the multitude of challenges to equity, including but not limited to residential school denialism, poverty, racism, disability, sexism, and homophobia. It is our duty to assist children in navigating these challenges and creating an environment where every individual feels valued and included.

Furthermore, the Seven Oaks School Division unequivocally recognizes the right of every member of our community to be in an environment free from racism, hatred, and bigotry. Achieving equity within our school division necessitates a proactive stance against racial discrimination in all its forms. We acknowledge that by passively allowing racism to persist, we contribute to its perpetuation. Therefore, we are committed to learning truths of our collective past and present, incorporating anti-racist teaching and learning into our classrooms, while further developing our conceptions of what it means to live in socially just and racially diverse schools and communities.

We want to emphasize that adherence to these principles is not optional but mandatory for all members of the Seven Oaks School Division community, including trustees, employees, and individuals providing any type of service or engaging in any type of interaction with our students.

We believe that by collectively embracing these principles and committing ourselves to fostering a culture of inclusivity and equity, we can create school environments where every student feels safe, valued, and empowered to succeed.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


Seven Oaks Board of Trustees and Seven Oaks Superintendent’s Team​