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Seven Oaks School Division
Community Begins Here
Sep 07, 2024
No School Today
Rules & Regulations
Our main goal at KYAC is to have a safe, fun environment for every participant- including you!
This means it is important to treat others the way you would like to be treated and follow the rules to the best of your ability. By watching your language, setting a good example for those around you, and having a positive attitude, you are making KYAC an encouraging space for every person who walks through our doors.
Here are a couple things to keep in mind:

1. Be a good role model for those around you. Please be mindful that we offer programming for participants of all ages at our sites and what is appropriate to some may not be to others.
2. If you use something, please put it away. It is not the KYAC staff’s responsibility to clean up after you.
3. Please ask before you enter the equipment room at any school. We are more than happy to let you in to that space if we know you can keep it clean and organized.
4. If something breaks, let us know! Most things are easy to fix, so please let us help you to figure out a solution. Please note that wilful destruction and defamation of the property and our equipment will not be tolerated.
5. Many participants use bikes, skateboards, scooters and rollerblades to come to programming. Please be aware this equipment is to be locked up outside or left with your belongings until you leave for the day. No skateboards, scooters, rollerblades or bikes are to be used inside the building.
6. KYAC is not responsible for any lost or stolen belongings. Valuables should be left at home.
7. KYAC reserves the right to make necessary changes to programming and field trips at any point throughout the drop-in program.

8. KYAC runs out of five schools within Seven Oaks School Division: Écoles Seven Oaks Middle School, Edmund Partridge Community School, Governor Semple School, Forest Park School and École Riverbend Community School. Participants are not permitted to loiter in the hallways, washrooms or change rooms at and of our sites unless under the direct supervision of a KYAC staff member.

Any unusual incidents not covered in the rules and regulations list will be dealt with by the staff members working at the time. The KYAC staff has the authority to ask anyone to leave who fails to act according to the rules and regulations. In the case of serious offences, both parents and police will be notified at once. Staff may use their discretion upon individual circumstances where a participant may be asked not to return to the program for a number of days or weeks. In the event that such a circumstance arises, participants will be notified of a date upon which they may return.