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The Seven Oaks School Division currently employs Lita Fontaine as Artist in Residence. She has been with the Seven Oaks School Division for 14 years. Prior to this employment, Fontaine also worked as an artist, early childhood educator; youth care worker and a paraprofessional.
Fontaine’s current occupation as Artist in Residence is to collaborate with teachers, integrating art into the school division’s curricula. She has a Creative Arts in Therapy Certificate. In the past, Fontaine has also taught Foundation Drawing and Aboriginal Art History at the University of Manitoba’s School of Art as a Sessional Instructor.
Fontaine’s practice is predominately studio based and her methodology in the area of arts education is hands on, where creative processes play an integral role in learning. Fontaine believes the visual arts acts as a catharsis that nourishes emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual growth while making art.
If interested in setting up collaborative art classroom time with Ms. Fontaine, she can be contacted at Victory School 1 (204) 586–9716. Please leave a message.