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Seven Oaks School Division
Community Begins Here
Ojibwe Language Dictionary



  • ​We acknowledge the Government of Canada for funding this project to produce Giga-Ganoonidimin Miinawaa! We Wil​l Talk Together Again!  Anishinaabemowin Dictionary for Students and Families.

  • We would like to thank the Seven Oaks School Division for their ongoing support with the Ojibwe Bilingual Program at Riverbend Community School, now in its 6th year.

  • Gichi miigwech to the all the people who are part of this effort to pass on Anishinaabe culture and language - Elders, administrators, staff, families, and the children.   Special thanks to the Project Team:
    • Wanda Barker Hollow Water First Nation, Project Advisor/Editor, Language Specialist
    • ​Mary Courchene Sagkeeng First Nation, Elder Advisor​
    • Gloria Barker Hollow Water First Nation, Project Lead, Language Teacher
    • Pamela Morrison Mashkosiminiziibing First Nation, Project Lead, Language Teacher
    • Jennifer Lamoureux Fort William First Nation, Project Coordinator
    • Sherri Denysuik Sagkeeng First Nation, Project Coordinator

  • We would like to give thanks also to our project team for the many hours spent during the summer to see this project to completion. Your dedication to language revitalization is inspiring. We also acknowledge the leadership, knowledge and expertise of Wanda Barker, the Project Advisor/Editor and Language Specialist. 

  • Special thanks to All Nations Print for helping to bring this publication to print. We are also grateful to the community members featured in the photos and to Red Photo Co. for capturing some of the images used here in just the right way.

This dictionary is meant to be used!  Please share this webpage.  Feel free to print copies of your own.  Learn, practice, listen, talk.

Giga-Ganoonidimin Miinawaa!

Ojibwe Dictionary Logo.jpg

Ojibwe Language Dictionary